
Evernote web clip ipad
Evernote web clip ipad

evernote web clip ipad

I’ve always preferred to try to read things I’m browsing online on my screen, but there were times in the past when I did print out things like manuals or long articles to take with me when I wasn’t going to be online. I suppose that works for him, but it uses up an awful lot of paper.

evernote web clip ipad

Today, my friend reads most of his book on his iPad, or listens to them via Audible, but I think he still prints out a lot of stuff that he finds on the web. Ditto if he came across a web page he was interested in. When I’d send him a link to an article, he’d print that out, and put it in a stack of stuff that he wanted to read. He did this with email for years, and I think he finally gave that up. I have a friend who prints out nearly everything he wants to read.

Evernote web clip ipad