
Lord of the rings gollum photos
Lord of the rings gollum photos

lord of the rings gollum photos

It’s also better suited for a visual novel or interactive adventure. It’s an underdog story, casting a new light on Middle Earth’s established history from the perspective of the lowly, the outcasts, and the rebels, and the world feels more fully realized and lived in as a result. Gollum treats its supporting cast and Middle Earth in general with an impressive level of detail, whether it’s a look at Sauron’s cults (only briefly teased in Lord of the Rings itself), a witch who refuses to swear fealty to the dark lord, or even just an alternative perspective on the elves. He’s not always the star of the show, though. His story is a gradual, unavoidable descent into ruin, and what matters is understanding why it happens. You might have Smeagle save one ally’s life, while Gollum betrays another later on - but that’s the point. That one scene did more to make me sympathize with Gollum than anything in Tolkien’s work, with its glimpse inside Gollum’s tortured mind and the sad remnants of who he used to be - and sometimes still wanted to be. I convinced Gollum that the beetle was not, in fact, a spy, and was treated to a scene where Smeagle watches with an almost pathetic sense of childlike wonder as the insect flies around his head - before Ringwraith butts in and ruins the moment.Ĭhoices have impact even if Smeagle’s fate is sealed.

lord of the rings gollum photos

You need to make a compelling argument against Smeagle or Gollum to get the desired outcome, which adds a surprising sense of weight to seemingly inconsequential decisions. In one early scene, for example, you have to decide whether Gollum will let a beetle live or crush it. Some decisions popped up at completely unexpected moments and had equally unexpected - sometimes even beautiful - outcomes. These choices let you piece together a portrait of his fragile personality and get a better understanding of the struggles he faces, explaining why Smeagle eventually gives in to Gollum. Gollum’s story is a known entity, so instead of trying to do something new and daring with it, Daedalic takes the introspective route. The clever thing about Gollum’s choices, however, is that they don’t have to matter. I only had time for one playthrough, and you get just one save file. It’s tough to say what effect, if any, these have on the broader narrative. Gollum finds himself at a crossroad during some key moments, where he can either cave into his own horrible demands or let Smeagle’s better nature shine through.

Lord of the rings gollum photos